
Past Events

Past events and trips at Zainab Center

Insha'Allah, Shaykh Ahmad Arshad and Aalimah Humera Ahmad will be traveling to Texas from Friday,


Insha'Allah, Shaykh Ahmad Arshad and Aalimah Humera Ahmad will be traveling to Florida from ...

Insha'Allah, Shaykh Ahmad Arshad and Aalimah Humera Ahmad will be traveling to Eastern Canada from ...

Insha'Allah, Shaykh Ahmad Arshad and Aalimah Humera Ahmad will be traveling to Louisiana from ...

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim


Zainab Center cordially invites all to attend the Track to Taqwa" program, our annual LIVE


"O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye


Zainab Center is happy to present to you a two day workshop on "Pearls of Modesty and Humility". This


Allah (swt) says in the Quran : 

“And of His signs that He has created for you from yourselves mates



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